Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dating In the LDS Singles Scene

So I've been testing the waters of the singles to speak.  After going through a relationship where I was totally taken advantage of, I decided that maybe this time I would go about the singles scene in a whole different way.  The last time I was in the "singles scene" was thirteen years ago and can I just say a lot has changed since then!!!

Before my marriage to Scott, I used to chat online to find guys to meet and date.  I figured what with having kids and working the hours I was working at the hospital, this was probably the easiest and best way since I didn't want to go to church dances or bars to meet men!  Scott and I actually met in a chat room on AOL....not even sure if AOL even exists any more! {chuckle}  I met a lot of men this way and was able to chat with them before agreeing to meet somewhere.  Trust me when I say I had my share of good and bad dates.  I remember one date where the guy kept asking questions and I swear I could seeing him adding check marks to his list after each answer.  Do you want to marry again?  Do you have kids?  Do you want more kids?  Needless to say I ran the other way and never looked back!

So any way, this time I decided to first look at my reasons for dating.  Marriage?  Eventually.  Fun?  Sure  Loneliness for adult companionship?  Absolutely!  This is not to say that I don't have relationships with any adults in my life, but most of them know of Scott's death and tend to treat me a little differently; kind of with kid gloves.  Sometimes I think adults other than my kids treat me like I should still be the "widow in mourning".  I still have people at church ask Nicole and I all the time "how are you doing?"  This is always asked with the head tilted just slightly to the side using what I call the "puppy dog eyes".  When I say we are good they usually respond "really?"  I still haven't figured out how to make people realize that though I still miss Scott, Nicole and I ARE going on with life and that our days are filled with joy and laughter for what I would say is more than 99% of the time.  I honestly believe this is what Scott would have wanted!

Back to the!  I decided that this time around I would choose activities that put emphasis where my emphasis is, around the church.  I first joined an LDS dating service.  Not sure if I would recommend this.  Seems there are still lots of men (and women I'm sure) who are on here portraying themselves to be something they're not.  I did make a good friend from here though, Mike; who then invited me to volleyball in Woodscross so I went.  I thought to myself....I can do this.  This isn't like a dance where you are on display and have to pair off.  I was right only in the sense that you don't have to pair off!  I totally felt like I was on display!  None of the "women regulars" would even talk to me, treating me like I had the plague!  I chose to be on Mike's team just so I would feel a little comfortable.  I had to leave early because Jen was watching Nicole  and it was after 10 p.m..  Later Mike texted me and said "the boys LOVE you!"  He said that after I left the guys wanted to know all about me.  I told him I hope he told them I wasn't dating and he said that he told them I was a widow just recently out of a bad relationship who just needed good people around her.  I'm so grateful that he has my back!  The only two women that spoke to me didn't go to Woodscross for volleyball usually.  They were just there to hand out flyer's for a Layton Singles activity.  They introduced themselves and whispered to me that I needed to come to Layton VB which is much better.  So, the next week I went to VB in Layton....huge difference!  These people are so friendly!  I actually feel like they are all friends just out to have fun.  It doesn't feel like a meat market like it did in Woodscross.  Since then, these wonderful friends have invited me to numerous activities and made me feel like one of them!  We've gone to dances, movie and pie, and karaoke!  Each event is fun and I never feel like a fifth wheel and I can take Nicole with me and they treat her just as well.  I will keep you posted since I have another singles activity to go to tonight!  :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Memories of Scott

I keep wondering if I will ever get to the point that little things will stop reminding me of Scott.  
Yesterday, I had to go pick up the silver Honda from Willey Honda in Bountiful.  They were finally able to fix it to the tune of almost $900.  Picking it up was fun!  I had to run down to the Frontrunner station (4.5 miles) take the train to Woodscross then run another 2 miles to Willey Honda.  I guess I could have asked someone to drive me there, but I hate being a bother especially since I know other people are busy themselves.  Plus I needed to go for a run anyways.  Then I took the car and had the emissions run again (which was why it was being fixed in the first place) and this time it passed which meant I could get it registered which only cost $27.50....thank goodness.
So, I was cleaning the car out when I found a tube of Zilactin which Scott always used on cold sores and I got teary-eyed.  It made me remember the first thing he said to me when he came home the very last time.  He said "I don't think you'll want to kiss me, I have a cold sore."  I told him, "I always want to kiss you".  Little did I know that would be the last time I would kiss him while he was alive.
Then last night I was reading a novel "Everyone is Beautiful" by Katherine Center.  I was reading it because I just needed a feel good book.  One where guy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after.  Right towards the end though the husband leaves because he sees his wife being kissed by another man....long story.  So the wife is thinking he has gone for good and her downstairs neighbor who is a widow is telling her how to cope.
"Shower every day.  Brush and floss.  Blow-dry your hair and wear something nice.  Don't forget lipstick and mascara, at the very least.  Do not look at old photos.  Do not hold articles of his clothing to your face.  Do not close your eyes and try to pretend that he is sitting across the room reading the paper just so that you can feel okay again, even for a second.  Do not sit in his desk chair, put on his glasses, put his shaving cream on your face, or carry his toothbrush around in your pocket.  Do not read his books.  Do not stand among the clothes in his closet.  Do not write letters to him at night.  Stay in the present, or, if at all possible, in the future.  There's nowhere else you can go."   And that's when the tears starting falling again.
It's been over seven months and I still miss him so much sometimes that I can't even catch my breath.  I was thinking back the other day to when Scott and I used to say to each other, "I get to die first" because neither of us wanted to be left alone....I guess he won there.
I know this will get easier day by day.  But I also know that there are going to be little things that will come up that will bring tears to my eyes because of memories of Scott.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial Day

Last Monday was Memorial Day.  It used to be that Memorial Day weekend meant a mini vacation for Scott, Nicole and I.  Whether we went to San Diego or camping, we usually used the weekend to spend time together and catch up on much needed family time.  However, this year was totally different.

I've never been the kind to like to go to the cemeteries on Memorial Day.  Growing up we always spent every Memorial Day weekend up in St. Anthony, Idaho visiting my dad's family....coldest weather EVER!!!  Then on Monday we would pile in the cars and head to the Chester, ID cemetery where my grandparents are buried.  You would think since I didn't know anything other than this growing up that I wouldn't mind going as an adult, but I hated it.

This year though, I had my grandsons (Kayson and Corbin) for the weekend and it was a cold, wet miserable Monday....maybe that is why I thought it appropriate to pile everyone into the car and head to Hyrum to continue the tradition.  When we got to my parents' house we went out and helped dad pick peonies and lilacs to place in vases for the graves.  Then we went over to Hyrum cemetery and placed flowers on my maternal grandparents' grave.  I had also bought a live pink lily to place on my granddaughter Helen's grave.  As of now, there isn't a marker for Helen's grave so I placed the flower in the approximate vicinity.  We then went to Mendon cemetery to visit the graves of my other relatives.  We placed a flower on my great-great-great grandfather James G. Willie's grave.  Nicole wanted to see this gravesite because she had done a report on him this year.  If you don't know who James G. Willie is, well maybe you have heard of the Martin and Willie handcart companies?  James G. led the Willie group to the Salt Lake Valley and they encountered many hardships along the way.  I am grateful for my pioneer heritage.  They make me realize everyday that I don't have it too bad.

That evening after delivering the boys to their Grandma Sonya's house, Nicole and I went to Scott's grave.  We placed some flowers on it.  Nicole has been so was me that cried, and her that was comforting me and telling me it was "all right".  I miss him so much.  Our days together were too short and now the nights are too long.

School's Out for Summer

First Day of 5th Grade
Today is the last day of school for Nicole.  Another year done and gone.  I can't believe that 5th grade is over and she will be a 6th grader next year.  One more year of elementary school and then she will be in Jr. High!  I'm not sure I am ready for the hormones that will come with Jr. High and High School.

Last Day of 5th Grade

I'm posting her picture that was taken at the beginning of the school year and the one I took this morning.  She has grown so much.  Maybe it is because she has gone through a lot this past year.  She has loved having Mrs. Rees as her teacher!

I only pray that next year will be a happier year!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pretty in Pink

After many years of having a masculine bedroom I've decided to make a change.  For my whole life I have either had my bedroom decorated for me via mom or tried to decorate it so that my husband liked it.  Now that I am alone I decided to make my bedroom my own.  I decided to go very feminine.  Think Laura Ashley on a budget!  I went to Target and picked up pink, pink and more pink.  After doing Nicole's bedroom I decided I wanted my girlie side to come out.  So here is the outcome!

I told my friends Jen and Hillary that I had redone the bedroom really frilly and pink.  They said "good for you".  I told them I'm not sure what a man would think of it and Hillary said that studies show that women are more amorous in a room that they feel sexy in.  So there you have it.  It's a man's bedroom after all!!!


I don't know that I will ever get used to the title "widow".  I used to always think of the widows in the ward being old and now I'm one of them.  I'm just too young to be a widow!  Me, who is so independent, is now a "project" for the ward.  And I'm definitely not trying to discount their good works because I am finding that I just CAN'T do it all. 

Yesterday was ward clean up day and I was going to go but then I committed myself to go down to Provo and help my daughter Cassie put in her garden.  I was getting ready to leave when the doorbell rang, it was my home teacher Steve Ferschtut with a couple of the ward members wondering if they could get to my backyard to pick up sticks.  I unlocked the gate and let them in, but they could see I had already cleaned up back there.  And since the backyard is mainly pool now there isn't a lot to do back there.  They so badly wanted to do something for me, so when they asked if they could rake the leaves out of my front flowerbed I told them that would be greatly appreciated because I hadn't gotten to it yet.  When I went outside to load up the car there were about 15 ward members out there working. When they were done it looked awesome as you can see by the photo.  I love this ward and these sweet people who I know would do anything for me.  I'm so thankful that the Lord has blessed me to be planted here!

So, I got Cassie's garden planted and ours mostly planted.  Cassie bought a new house and decided that she wanted a garden.  She had helped plant our garden before, but I think you pay more attention to how to plant things when you know that you need to learn these things to do for yourself.  We got hers planted in about 2 1/2 hours which wasn't too bad.  She is really excited to have a house, yard and garden. 

As you can see by the picture, the garden doesn't look like much now but when all is said and done it will provide us with potatoes, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers, green bell peppers, jalepeno peppers, crockneck squash, swiss chard, raspberries and grapes.  It started to rain when I was planting ours so we will have to finish it Monday night for FHE.  Can't wait for the first tomatoes!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thanks! I Needed That!

I decided today that I had best run some errands that should have been taken care of months ago.  I went to Big 5 and exchanged some sweat pants that I purchased over President's Day weekend in St. George when Nicole had a soccer tournament down there....the pants were way to big.  Then I went to Kohl's to return some boots that I bought for Nicole for Christmas that were to small.  Thank goodness Kohl's has their return guarantee!  While walking through Kohl's to get to the service center I walked through lingerie and was sad to think that I don't have anyone special to where pretty things for any more.  Lastly I went to J&J's Nursery to buy flowers and plants/seeds for the garden that I need to get planted.  This was really hard!  I almost broke down crying a couple of times thinking "I can't do this".  It's not that I haven't picked up plants before alone, it's just that planting the garden was something Scott and I always did together now Nicole and I will have to do it alone.

After running home to put the plants in the garage so they wouldn't die in the garage, I then headed to Walmart to get the oil changed and pick up a few things.  When I was checking out at the service center the same guy that checked me in was there to check me out, I imagine he was about 25 years old.  So when I got to the counter to check out he said to me, "Do you mind me asking how old you are?"  Now, didn't his mama teach him that there are two things you never ask a women, her weight and her age.  Well, since he kind of caught me off guard I blushed and told him I was 47.  He then said, "You're beautiful for your age."  So, I said "For an old lady?"  He blushed and stammered and said that's not how he meant it.  Truth be told, when he gave me that compliment I wanted to reach out and plant a big kiss on his cheek.  I REALLY needed to hear that today!  It was one of the things I knew I would miss; Scott telling me how beautiful I was and how lucky he felt that he was married to me.  It's funny the little things you miss when they are gone.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Miss You Baby!

Dear Scott,

You have been gone just a little over a month now.  Who knew that death would be the one to cheat us of thirty more years together!

Everywhere I turn I see you, feel you and remember you.  Nicole and I are trying so hard to just concentrate on our happy memories together.  Tonight she farted in bed and blamed it on you!  Well, at least she was honest in keeping your memory alive there!

We know we will be alright because you were so good to make sure that we are financially stable.  You took such good care of us while you were alive and that hasn't changed even in death.

I love you so much!  I feel like you took the easy road and I'm left here to endure to the end, but we are secure in our knowledge that we will see you again.

Remember us from heaven!

All My Love,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do you hear me?

I speak but there is silence
I can see it on your face.
The words I speak reverberate
off the walls around me.

Do you really not hear me?
Or is it what I say?
Are the words I speak
that hard to hear?

If I didn't speak what I feel,
could you hear me then?
If I talk about the weather or
news my voice is loud and clear.

Maybe it would be better
if my feelings I didn't share.
For everytime I open up
the silence I can't bear.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nicole's Room

After two years of planning, prep and buying for Nicole's room, we (according to Nicole) finally finished it.  This is what you get when you get help blogging from your ten year old daughter!  Hahaha!
We painted her tall dresser front panels which were purple, painted the night stand that used to be  Braedon's which had been covered in stickers and the boxes in her bookstand from blue, green, red and orange.
When I first started painting the room I thought it was going to be too bright but when it was all put together it looked really cute.
Now I just need to do some of the other rooms!  Like the crap room, aka craft room!  Hopefully it will happen soon.  Stay tuned for details.

I'm Back In Business

I've been out of the blogging business because my computer has been on the fritz.  I think my husband got sick of hearing me complain because he bought me a new computer!  Yea me!
Now I can blog and add pictures again.
Thanks Hunny!

There'll Be No Living With Her Now!

Nicole has been doing ballroom dance at school this year.  I can tell she loves it because she is always practicing her dance steps at home, in front of any mirror, while waiting in line at the store, while waiting in line for the movies, and just about anywhere she is standing!

Two weekends ago her school competed in a ballroom competition with five other schools in the Davis County School district.  Her dance specialty that she did was the Cha-Cha-Cha, but they also had to learn the waltz, the tango, the swing and the foxtrot.  They were judged on technique and style.  Her and her partner, Hunter Harris, did really well; and as you can see in the video they were having fun!
After the first round where they performed their specialty, they were called back out to the floor and one of the other dances was drawn from a hat and they had to perform it and were judged again on technique and style.  This time she had to dance the Tango.


The Big Trophy

When all was said and done they announced the winners.  There were two groups with two divisions in each so a total of four chances for a medal in technique and four chances for a medal in style for each dance.  Nicole and Hunter received one of the medals for Cha-Cha-Cha technique!  She was so excited!  Her school only received three team medals.  Her team which had 5 girls and 2 boys on it and was one of 6 teams from her school received the only gold ribbon for her school, but the most exciting thing is that they took home one of the two trophies for most points scored!
All in all it was a very successful day for Nicole!  Hope her head will fit through the door!