Sunday, May 15, 2011


I don't know that I will ever get used to the title "widow".  I used to always think of the widows in the ward being old and now I'm one of them.  I'm just too young to be a widow!  Me, who is so independent, is now a "project" for the ward.  And I'm definitely not trying to discount their good works because I am finding that I just CAN'T do it all. 

Yesterday was ward clean up day and I was going to go but then I committed myself to go down to Provo and help my daughter Cassie put in her garden.  I was getting ready to leave when the doorbell rang, it was my home teacher Steve Ferschtut with a couple of the ward members wondering if they could get to my backyard to pick up sticks.  I unlocked the gate and let them in, but they could see I had already cleaned up back there.  And since the backyard is mainly pool now there isn't a lot to do back there.  They so badly wanted to do something for me, so when they asked if they could rake the leaves out of my front flowerbed I told them that would be greatly appreciated because I hadn't gotten to it yet.  When I went outside to load up the car there were about 15 ward members out there working. When they were done it looked awesome as you can see by the photo.  I love this ward and these sweet people who I know would do anything for me.  I'm so thankful that the Lord has blessed me to be planted here!

So, I got Cassie's garden planted and ours mostly planted.  Cassie bought a new house and decided that she wanted a garden.  She had helped plant our garden before, but I think you pay more attention to how to plant things when you know that you need to learn these things to do for yourself.  We got hers planted in about 2 1/2 hours which wasn't too bad.  She is really excited to have a house, yard and garden. 

As you can see by the picture, the garden doesn't look like much now but when all is said and done it will provide us with potatoes, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers, green bell peppers, jalepeno peppers, crockneck squash, swiss chard, raspberries and grapes.  It started to rain when I was planting ours so we will have to finish it Monday night for FHE.  Can't wait for the first tomatoes!

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