Friday, May 13, 2011

Thanks! I Needed That!

I decided today that I had best run some errands that should have been taken care of months ago.  I went to Big 5 and exchanged some sweat pants that I purchased over President's Day weekend in St. George when Nicole had a soccer tournament down there....the pants were way to big.  Then I went to Kohl's to return some boots that I bought for Nicole for Christmas that were to small.  Thank goodness Kohl's has their return guarantee!  While walking through Kohl's to get to the service center I walked through lingerie and was sad to think that I don't have anyone special to where pretty things for any more.  Lastly I went to J&J's Nursery to buy flowers and plants/seeds for the garden that I need to get planted.  This was really hard!  I almost broke down crying a couple of times thinking "I can't do this".  It's not that I haven't picked up plants before alone, it's just that planting the garden was something Scott and I always did together now Nicole and I will have to do it alone.

After running home to put the plants in the garage so they wouldn't die in the garage, I then headed to Walmart to get the oil changed and pick up a few things.  When I was checking out at the service center the same guy that checked me in was there to check me out, I imagine he was about 25 years old.  So when I got to the counter to check out he said to me, "Do you mind me asking how old you are?"  Now, didn't his mama teach him that there are two things you never ask a women, her weight and her age.  Well, since he kind of caught me off guard I blushed and told him I was 47.  He then said, "You're beautiful for your age."  So, I said "For an old lady?"  He blushed and stammered and said that's not how he meant it.  Truth be told, when he gave me that compliment I wanted to reach out and plant a big kiss on his cheek.  I REALLY needed to hear that today!  It was one of the things I knew I would miss; Scott telling me how beautiful I was and how lucky he felt that he was married to me.  It's funny the little things you miss when they are gone.

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