Thursday, January 8, 2009


Wikipedia lists the following for anniversaries.
An anniversary (from the Latin anniversarius, from the words for year and to turn, meaning (re)turning yearly; known in English since c. 1230) is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event.

Yesterday was my ninth wedding anniversary but it could have just been any day of the year. Now that Scott works in California I guess I had best get used to this. Last year he was gone too, but at least he remembered that it was our anniversary and did send me flowers. This year he didn't say anything about; but then again, neither did I. I guess I should write Ann Landers and find out who is in charge of remembering this date?


Cassie said...

Who is Ann Landers? And when is Scott's birthday?

Kaye said...

Ann Landers is "Dear Abby"'s daughter...she gives advice in newspaper columns. His birthday is 5/5/50