Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday was election day so today I woke up with a new president who will spend the next four years in the White House. Barrack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States running on the A Time for Change slogan (gee that's something new). I must admit that I didn’t vote for him. There is just something about him that I don’t trust, but he is the new president and so it is my hope that he will try and do what is best for the country.

In 1963 Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in which he stated “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”. Even though we now have a black president, I’m not sure we have made much gain since that famous speech 45 years ago; because a lot of people voted for Obama because he was black and not because of his “content of character”.

My case in point goes to the fact that during the campaign, people in Harlem, New York were interviewed. They were asked who they were voting for and most said Barack Obama. They were then asked if they were voting for Obama because he was Pro-Choice or because he supported the war in Iraq (both of these are McCain's campaign policies). The person would then agree with one of these policies. Then the person was asked if they were okay with a woman being vice-president even though Obama's VP choice is male...the person then said they were okay with a woman being VP. This just proves that people didn't even know what Barrack Obama stood for; aka his content of character.

One newscaster after the win said, "The best thing that Barrack Obama had going for him was President George W. Bush". I guess people were so disenfranchised with President Bush that if the Democrats had a monkey as their candidate he probably would have been elected how sad is that!

It's too bad that people were voting AGAINST something and not FOR something.

Since hearing about the election results a lot of sayings have been going through my head. "This too shall pass", "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger", "Endure to the end" and "If you don't stand for something you'll fall for everything". And so I will endure the next four years and hope that the nation is not the worse for wear when it is over. I will get up every day and go about my daily routine putting my trust in God for I know that he is the same today, tomorrow and forever.

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