Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time Flies By

It seems the older I get the faster time flies by. I can't believe it is June already and that school will be out the end of this week. It seems like just yesterday when I was sending Nicole out the door to her first day of Third Grade.
My theory for why time seems to go by faster the older you get is that you have already lived x amount of days and so consequent days just seem shorter and shorter.

I think my big reality check of time flying by came last week when my parents, Nicole and I went and saw Braedon perform in his high school's play Dracula; which he did an Awsome Job! Before the play my mom and dad commented on how they couldn't believe that Braedon will be 18 this year Wow, I hadn't really thought about that until they said it, but he is my baby from my first marriage and I can't believe that it has almost been eighteen years since he was born. Time flies whether you want it to or not.
So here is my advice to the new moms in our family. Enjoy each and every minute with those little ones because they truly do grow up way to fast!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

a cute picture of baby bo!