Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Zion National Park

Nicole had been bugging us to take the trailer and go see some of the national parks. So, since Dr. Bentley (the doctor I work with) was going to be out of the office mid July we planned a trip down south to Zion National Park.
If you look really close you can see that Nicole has a HUGE Stink Bug on her hand. It looks like she is going to eat it!

We did a lot of hiking. I had never hiked at Zion's before and Scott was excited to take us up the Narrows. It was nice to get out of the heat and be in the water.
The walls were so close you could stand two people together with arms outstretched and touch them. They went sooooo tall too. Nicole loved posing for lots of pictures as you can see in the waterfall picture.

When we started out of the canyon we turned a bend and the heat hit us like someone had turned on the furnace. I'll bet the temperature went up by 20 degrees in a couple a hundred yards. After that it was hard to get Nicole to push forward and finish the hike, but she did. We were proud of her because the hike was probably close to 3 miles round trip.

We decided to go down south Friday night to St. George's Tuachan theater and see Annie. It was a great production but very hot! Tuachan is an outdoor theater set against the redrocks....very beautiful but DON'T go in July!!!! Can you pick out the non-orphan in the picture? It's only because we made her clean up!

Our hike up to the Emerald Pools found us off the trail and hiking where I'm sure only the deer and mountain goats hike. Somehow Scott took a wrong turn but we realized our mistake and found the trail again. The best part of this hike was the top pool which was big enough for Nicole to swim in. It was nice to get wet to cool off for the hike down the mountain.

Our last and shortest hike was up to Weeping Rock. This hike was steep but only about a 1/2 mile roundtrip. The view from Weeping Rock was beautiful and the rock really did look like it was weeping. Bottom line....if you haven't ever been to Zion's or it's been a long time since you've been GO! One suggestion though, don't go in the middle of July when the temperatures during the day were around 113 F and nights still in the 80's! HOT! HOT! HOT!!!!

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