Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Halloween Party

Last night we had our annual Halloween Party. I was trying to remember how many years we have held this now but I'm not exactly sure but I think it has been five or six now. This year we had thirteen here which is making for quite the house full.
We started out carving pumpkins and thank goodness the weather this year was nice instead of freezing cold so we could carve them outside. This was the first year that Kayson was really old enough to help carve pumpkins. Once his dad had the top off they rolled up Kayson's sleeves and asked him if he wanted to help. Kayson said "No, don't wanna" as he started pulling down his sleeves. I don't know what they expected since he is just like his dad was at that age and hates getting hands dirty.
As you can see, the pumpkins turned out great! Then it was on to dinner. I made dinner in a pumpkin which I had made last year for a Sunday dinner and it turned out really good, but wouldn't you know it because we had alot of people over it wasn't done at six (even though it had been in the oven for over three hours). I think it was slow cooking because I had guests. When it was finally done it was really good and I think everyone got plenty to eat.
The last thing we always do at the party is make and decorate Halloween sugar cookies. This year we were actually prepared and made the sugar cookies before hand so Tiffany and I weren't busy cutting out and baking cookies while everything else was going on. I had bought M&M's and candy corns to decorate the pumpkin faces on the cookies and we still had sprinkles which Tiffany limited Nicole to one shake per cookie since Nicole has the habit of over doing it to the point that no one wants to eat them. Kayson spent more time undecorating the cookies so he could eat the M&M's and candy corns. I'm sure he was on a sugar high!
Hopefully this tradition will continue on for years and years to come. It's so much fun to see the kids get together and I hope they had as much fun as I did.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I agree with you that the party was a success. In fact I agree with most of what you said. I don't think that it has been happening for 5 years though. We have a very unique family. it is amazing that we can all coexist, let alone have fun together.