Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Many Projects....So Little Time!

My husband would probably call me the biggest procrastinator ever, but in my own defense I must plead that I married someone just like me! :)

Once again I had bitten off more than I really could chew and by mid-October I was starting to feel like I was choking. I was in charge of the ward Halloween party, I needed to finish my costume for a party we were going to up at Snowbasin and we also had the family Halloween party to hold at our house plus I had committed myself to sewing (hold on this gets complicated) my daughter-in-law Tiffany's sister Whitney's wedding dress. She is getting married December 5th. Whitney is trying to save money and so she is going to use Tiffany's wedding dress. That would be nice, but Tiffany's dress had spaghetti straps and Whitney is getting married in the temple so spaghetti straps won't look to good with garments. Still, I thought "no big deal, we'll use the skirt and just change the top" wrong I was.

Making the top part wasn't that big of a deal, but then I was taking the appliques and beading off of Tiffany's dress and putting it on Whitney's. When I unpicked the lower band the applique and beading all came off in one piece and so I thought this would be no big deal. Then on Saturday I started unpicking the other stuff and the beads starting falling off landing in my lap...needless to say I was almost in tears by the end of the night. Then on Sunday I finished unpicking and sewing the applique on to the dress which just left beading, sleeves and some last minute hand work. No big deal, Whitney's bridal pictures weren't until Thursday, I have plenty of I thought until Tif called me on Monday to tell me that Whitney had moved her bridal's to Wednesday.

So I stayed up until midnight on Monday sewing on beads then up at 5am to finish. Eight a.m. and I still wasn't finished so I loaded the dress into the car along with scissors, thread and needle then off to work! Luckily Dr. Bentley had a meeting and was done with patients early so I went out to the car and got out the dress to finish the hand work. Then Tif and Braedon showed up at the same time so there we all sat in the car while I finished sewing the dress. I'm sure it looked funny to anyone passing by. The dress is now done and Tif called later to say that Whitney loves the dress but.....the sleeves are a little tight.

So, I guess I'm not done after all! It's a good thing I didn't put away my unpicker. Besides, what would I do if I didn't have a project!

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