Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Well, Christmas has come and gone....what a relief. I think there is so much hype leading up to Christmas that sometimes it is a let down when it is all over.

I had to go back to work today and work was very busy. Monday's on Tuesday are always fun! I'm an RN who works with a pediatrician in an office Monday through Wednesday. Jobs in the office for RN's are a thing of the past so I don't think I will ever leave this job. It's really nice to have set days and hours. When I worked at the hospital I had to work days, nights, weekends and holidays and none of my days were set. I always felt like I had the flu because of the turn around with nights and days. I used to work in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) at Primary Children's Hospital. I loved the work I did. I definitely knew that up there I made a huge difference in the lives of the patients and their families, but I don't miss the dying kids. It was too hard watching the greiving families. There were times when I was grateful for the half-hour drive home just so I could cry and get it out of my system.

My influence in my patient's lives may not be as significant as it was up at the hospital, but I love my patient's and I have so many of them say they are glad that I am there that day. I love to hear this, because it means my patient's miss me when I'm not there.

There is a saying that hangs on my wall here at home, it says "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of clothes I wore; but the world may be much different because I was important in the life of a child." I hope this is true with my own children and with the kids I work with.

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