Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I guess if you had asked me as a little girl if this is how my life would have taken shape I probably never would have guessed this life.....but I love it just the same. Some would probably call it chaos, I call it life with five children.
My kids aren't little and in diapers, in fact I now have one grandchild. A little boy who is five months now. My kids range from six to twenty-three years and I love everyone of them. I love the challenges that each of their lives present. And I love how each of them is so different.
I have three boys and two girls and have found that there definitely is a difference between boys and girls and not just in the anatomical sense. Girls emotions bounce all around. One minute they are happy, go-lucky and the next you are scraping them off the floor. This is especially true once they hit puberty. Maybe you can just chalk this up to hormones. Where as boys are rough and tough and are always ready to fight to prove a point.
I've also found that all kids are not created equal. They are all so different in their personalities. I have one child who is quick to anger but also quick to forgive and another who is slow to anger but holds everything inside and lets it simmer forever. Dragging things out of him is extremely hard.
Bottom line I guess is that I love all of my kids equally, though there are times that I have to show it more to one than another. I love them for who they are and who they have made me!!!

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