Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Well, Christmas has come and gone....what a relief. I think there is so much hype leading up to Christmas that sometimes it is a let down when it is all over.

I had to go back to work today and work was very busy. Monday's on Tuesday are always fun! I'm an RN who works with a pediatrician in an office Monday through Wednesday. Jobs in the office for RN's are a thing of the past so I don't think I will ever leave this job. It's really nice to have set days and hours. When I worked at the hospital I had to work days, nights, weekends and holidays and none of my days were set. I always felt like I had the flu because of the turn around with nights and days. I used to work in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) at Primary Children's Hospital. I loved the work I did. I definitely knew that up there I made a huge difference in the lives of the patients and their families, but I don't miss the dying kids. It was too hard watching the greiving families. There were times when I was grateful for the half-hour drive home just so I could cry and get it out of my system.

My influence in my patient's lives may not be as significant as it was up at the hospital, but I love my patient's and I have so many of them say they are glad that I am there that day. I love to hear this, because it means my patient's miss me when I'm not there.

There is a saying that hangs on my wall here at home, it says "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of clothes I wore; but the world may be much different because I was important in the life of a child." I hope this is true with my own children and with the kids I work with.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Blog is Born

I guess the reason I started this Blog is that a couple of years ago my husband read a blog from a woman who was writing about her life as a new mom. He told me about it and said he thought that would be a good idea for me since I love to write. My only regret is that it has taken me this long to start.
I write mainly for myself. This is a good way for me to ruminate on my experiences and feelings. But if others read what I write and enjoy it, so be it.
Christmas is just around the corner and I never feel like I am ready. I guess I could be sewing right to the last minute. I have unfortunately always been a procrastinator. I've always said that if someone wants me to do something they'd better give me a due date. The project won't be done early but it will be done on the due date. Right now I'm sewing my youngest daughter Nicole a dress for Christmas and then I have some pajamas to sew and a robe for my son Braedon. The hardest thing is trying to do the sewing when the kids aren't around so that it will be a surprise on Christmas.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I guess if you had asked me as a little girl if this is how my life would have taken shape I probably never would have guessed this life.....but I love it just the same. Some would probably call it chaos, I call it life with five children.
My kids aren't little and in diapers, in fact I now have one grandchild. A little boy who is five months now. My kids range from six to twenty-three years and I love everyone of them. I love the challenges that each of their lives present. And I love how each of them is so different.
I have three boys and two girls and have found that there definitely is a difference between boys and girls and not just in the anatomical sense. Girls emotions bounce all around. One minute they are happy, go-lucky and the next you are scraping them off the floor. This is especially true once they hit puberty. Maybe you can just chalk this up to hormones. Where as boys are rough and tough and are always ready to fight to prove a point.
I've also found that all kids are not created equal. They are all so different in their personalities. I have one child who is quick to anger but also quick to forgive and another who is slow to anger but holds everything inside and lets it simmer forever. Dragging things out of him is extremely hard.
Bottom line I guess is that I love all of my kids equally, though there are times that I have to show it more to one than another. I love them for who they are and who they have made me!!!