Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Visiting Teachers - Angels and Milk

Woman with grocery bags
It was a Saturday morning unlike any I had ever had before and one that I pray I never have again.  I was sitting on the couch surrounded by family when the doorbell rang.  I gathered myself off the couch and slowly headed to the front door.  Upon opening the door I saw my Visiting Teaching companion standing there with grocery bags and a gallon of milk.  The first words out of her mouth were, "I was at the grocery store when I heard and I thought you could use these."

It was then that the tears started again to stream down my face.  I was once again surprised that I had any tears left since I had been crying almost constantly since my husbands death the night before.

Here stood at my doorstep one of Heavenly Father's angels.  Someone who listened to the spirit and was thoughtful enough to bring milk. Milk!  Of all things milk.  But it was what I needed because I had gone to the fridge that morning and realized that we were out of milk and needless to say the last thing I wanted to do was head to the grocery store to buy milk.

When she saw the tears start to flow she in turn started to cry with me.  There weren't words to express how much her coming to see me meant to me.  I know she would have enveloped me in her arms if her arms weren't already full of groceries so I lead her into the kitchen where she placed the groceries on the counter then we hugged and cried.

It's amazing how much communication can be exchanged without saying a word.

I'm so thankful that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I'm grateful that my Heavenly Father established the Relief Society for the women of the church.  I'm grateful that we have Visiting Teachers and companions.  And more than anything I'm grateful to this dear sister who was in tune with the spirit that Saturday.

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