Thursday, September 16, 2010

He Makes Me Smile!

This is Daxter!  When God made Daxter I think he threw away the mold! 
Now if you've read my blog before you may have heard me talk about him.  He was originally Cassie's dog but as fate would have it when she got married the dog stayed with us.  And also as fate would have it I have grown to love this dog....he makes me smile and laugh almost every day!
Take today for instance, it's fall and so the harvest is in full swing which means canning.  Today I was snapping the beans in the family room as I watched a movie when the phone rang, it was Scott.  Now Scott has always said that there isn't anything that Daxter won't eat and of course Daxter has to prove it at every turn.
When I got back to the family room and sat back down to finish the beans, my discard pile of beans which are too old looked a little smaller but I didn't think much of it; that is until Daxter returned from the piano room and politely grabbed another bean from the discard pile and trotted back to the piano room.  The funniest thing was he wasn't even trying to be sneaky about it.  He brazenly grabbed the bean like it belonged to him and walked off, didn't even run....just walked.
Thanks for making me smile Daxter!  Life would be really boring without you!

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is a mighty fine portrait of Daxter! He makes me laugh too and makes me wish I had a Daxter of my own.