Monday, April 20, 2009

Life IS Good!

As I drove home from work tonight I followed a car that had a decal on the back window which read Life Is Good and I thought to myself how very true!

You see before I left work tonight I received a text message from my son Derek who serves in the Army Reserves. The text stated that he won't be deployed to Iraq in September. Needless to say my prayers have been answered, because I have been worrying about this for about nine months now. It's been especially hard since him and Ashley found out that they are expecting a baby in May. The thought of him not being around his baby has been very hard for me since I know how much he wants to be a dad. Plus I've been worried that he might even miss her birth (it's a little girl).


Don't get me wrong. I know that he signed up for this duty but he was told that he wouldn't have to go back to Iraq for the first two years that he was with the reserves and that time won't be up until about November. So I am glad to see that they are keeping their promise. And I know that if he is called up after that time that he will go and do his duty, because that is the kind of guy Derek is. I'm just glad that he will have some bonding time with his little girl.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mystery Solved

I solved the question "Who turned on the light?" which I asked in my previous blog Scaredy Cat . So if you haven't read that blog I suggest you read it first or this will make no sense.

My husband ever the smart alec, after reading my blog, sent me the following remark. "Me thinks that you might be getting more like me and just maybe can't remember if you left the light in the piano room or not." Well honey, I had already solved the mystery and here is the solution.

As I woke up the next morning and thought about the lamp situation more. I remembered that when we headed out of town in January to New Orleans I thought since nobody would be home that maybe it would be a good idea to plug the lamp into a timer so that it would go on in the middle of the night and scare off any would be burglars. Funny that for three months I hadn't even noticed that it had been going on in the middle of the night. Funnier still that my husband who has been spending sleepless nights on the couch hadn't noticed it either.

SO DEAR....I did not leave a light on, I just forgot that I had plugged it into the timer. MYSTERY SOLVED!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's Day

Corbin Keith Schumann was born yesterday! What a pleasant way to spend April Fool's day.

He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

Tiffany was told on Monday that her blood pressure was too high and that she would need to be induced again (the same thing happened with his older brother Kayson). So they told her to they could either do it on April 1st or the 2nd and my son thought it would be cool for him to have April 1st as his birthday. Hopefully Corbin won't hate him because of this later in life.
They had to be at the hospital at 6:30am and he was born at 11:24am. I think that Tiffany's body was ready this time because last time she pushed for over three hours and labored for a lot longer. However when she started to push Corbin's heartrate dropped so they had her stop until the doctor arrived. When he arrived he saw that the cord had wrapped around Corbin's neck and was choking him
so they had to cut the cord before he was fully out. They decided to observe Corbin in the nursery for six hours because of the nuccal cord just to make sure he was fine.

Since Nicole and I went on a school field trip in the morning (we went to the Ogden Children's Treehouse Museum)we didn't get to the hospital until about 1:30pm so Corbin was in the nursery
by then and we didn't get to hold him. Nicole was insistent that she get to hold her nephew so we left a bit so Tiffany could get some rest. We called Cassie and decided to go down to American Fork and see her while we waited so we could go back after 6:00pm. We went back about 6:30pm with Cassie and we got to hold and feed Corbin. He is a Real Cutie!