Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Scaredy Cat

You know how there are time when you wake out of a sound sleep and things just don't seem right? Well that happened to me tonight. I was sound asleep and dreaming then I was wide awake like something woke me (this reminds me of the Madeline books where Miss Clavell turned on the lights because something wasn't right). I looked at the clock and it said 2:56am. I wouldn't have thought much of it but then I noticed a light shining under the bedroom door. Then my mind started racing. Nicole and I are the only ones home. Nicole is in bed beside me. I was the last one downstairs last night and I turned out all the lights because I came upstairs in the dark. It is times like these that I am glad I have two big dogs in the house with me.

So I got up, which immediately meant the dogs were up. I opened the door and we went downstairs. The lamp in the piano room was on. Even more curious, since we didn't even have that light on last night, but the dogs don't seem on edge...just sleepy. All the doors are locked. Door to the basement is shut with the towel up against the door...dogs still seem sleepy. I decide to get on the computer for awhile since I'm now fully awake and to wait to see if anyone comes down the stairs to get me...Daxter up checking out the place and Winston is asleep on his pillow. Now it's 4am...."and all is well" sorry had to add that. Maybe I should just go back to bed and try to sleep.

Still, I will continue to wonder....who turned on the light?

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