Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Big Easy

Since marrying Scott I have become a huge University of Utah football fan. Now you can't really blame Scott for this (dad) although the U is where Scott received his graduate degree, it was actually Jenelle who got me addicted. Jenelle is a gal I used to work with and she asked me to go to a game with her probably about six or seven years ago and since then I've been hooked. We've now had season tickets for about five years. We have followed the Utes through good times and bad, but I'm happy to say that last year was indeed a good year. By the time all was said and done, the Utes ended the season 12-0 with an invite to the BcS Sugar Bowl in New Orleans to play Alabama. With much time and effort on Scott's part, we were able to go to New Orleans and cheer on the Utes. We took Nicole with us since she is also a season ticket holder and has followed the team closely this year.
Nicole On Tram at Atlanta Airport Headed to New Orleans We had to take a red eye late Monday night 12/29/08...this was a for first Nicole. We arrived in New Orleans Tuesday morning and the game wasn't until Friday night so we had plenty of time to explore and enjoy the food in the Big Easy. Tuesday night we decided to take Nicole to Bourbon street. Now I know most would say this probably wasn't a good idea but we wanted to take Nicole to a fun family restaurant called Cajun Cabin. We chose that night because it was 12/30 and the next night would be New Year's eve and Bourbon street would just be crazy until after the Sugar Bowl.
After we were done eating we were headed back to the hotel when we came across a street band jamming at the end of Bourbon street. Nicole was really intrigued with these musicians. The group was made up of a bunch of young kids just basically having a jam session in the street. The police were there on horseback to help with crowd control. People give these horses and policemen a wide berth when they see them coming. I wouldn't want to be stepped on by one of these horses.
And of course what would a trip to New Orleans be without a stop at Cafe Du Monde for beignets!! I think this is how I gained my five pounds that I put on from this trip. I'm sure it wasn't from all of the gumbo, jumbalya, muffulettas and etoufee we ate. Can you say YUM!?!?

Football 101

First things first....I'm going to do this blog in sections but they all tie together. This way you can read the one you want when you want. Hopefully this will make it simpler.

Those who know me know that I love football! My husband found this out early in our relationship when he asked me what I was doing one Sunday (he wanted to know if I wanted to go out on a date) and I told him that I was staying in bed all day and watching football. At first he thought that I was just blowing him off, but then he got to know me better and realized that was really what I did.

I grew up in a house with one t.v.....yes, hard for most kids now-a-days to even "wrap their heads around". Not only was there only one t.v. but it was black and white, with about seven channel choices and no remote control. No, I take that back, us kids were the remote. If dad wanted the channel changed he'd have us kids scoot to the t.v. and change it. Now, you are probably asking yourself what this has to do with football...well, let me tell you. If you have one t.v. and a dad who loves sports you either learn to love sports or you don't watch t.v. Out of one son and two daughters it's the girls that love football....go figure!
USU at Airforce Many Many Years Ago

I remember going to Utah State University (USU) football games as a young girl with my sister and dad. Mom was a fairweather football fan which means she went to the games early in the year when the weather was nice, sunny and warm; then when the weather turned nasty dad would drag my sister and I along. I remember games sitting in the bleachers with our hot chocolate watching them shovel snow off of the yard that's true grit.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Wikipedia lists the following for anniversaries.
An anniversary (from the Latin anniversarius, from the words for year and to turn, meaning (re)turning yearly; known in English since c. 1230) is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event.

Yesterday was my ninth wedding anniversary but it could have just been any day of the year. Now that Scott works in California I guess I had best get used to this. Last year he was gone too, but at least he remembered that it was our anniversary and did send me flowers. This year he didn't say anything about; but then again, neither did I. I guess I should write Ann Landers and find out who is in charge of remembering this date?