Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Kim & Kaye Christmas 1969
I love my sis! She has always been everything that I'm not. During the 70's she was the one who had to have big loud flowers on everything while I stayed with the calico prints. She never seemed afraid to step out there and be herself whereas I felt like I just followed the flow.

She is the one who introduced me to the world of blogging. Whenever I need some humor in my life I know that I can always go to her blog and get a good laugh. She sees the world through my dad's eyes (my dad is also someone who doesn't take the world too seriously). I've decided that God must have a sense of humor, or at least this is my hope. Who else can laugh off all of the bad haircuts and color jobs that she has had, and then humorously write about them. However, her blog "Hair Whore" always gets me kicked off of the internet at work (you'd think I'd learn to stay away from that one!).

Growing up we had our own language. Slobobovitch - someone who looks like a slob; aka the one whose half of the room was the messiest. Ramona - a name used for each other when the other one did something unheard of. Tard - a term used for someone who did something stupid.

Here's to sisters everywhere! Oh the things we shared! Here's to you Kim!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Awwww! That is really sweet of you to write such nice things about me. I have to say that I always envied you and your multiple talents (piano, dance, sewing, the list is endless).

I'm so glad we got to spend some time together recently, I've missed you! Look for a package soon with a certain someone's long awaited birthday present, lol...