Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sleep...Where Is Thy Peace?

I've been awake since 2am.  Aaargh!  I hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind starts racing.  To bad there isn't an on/off switch for the brain.  I tried to go back to sleep.  Counted 1-100 backwards all the way to 10 and realized that wasn't working...probably because I had to think too hard of what number came next.  Hummed my favorite hymn in my good.  Even got up and said prayers to see if that wouldn't help, but it didn't.
3am - Decided to get up and do something more productive than just letting my mind bad you can't burn calories that way!  I got up and worked on Nicole's scrapbook and my calendar.  See the results  aren't half bad.  Would rather have been sleeping though.

5am - Went downstairs and looked at email, blogs and what not.
6am - I have a headache from sleep deprivation.  Not sure it's worth going back to bed for an hour though .  I have to get Nicole up at seven.  Maybe a nap will have to be the order of the day today!

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