Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts and Feelings

I love reading other people's blogs. I am always impressed at how easily they seem to just write about themselves. It seems with me there are a lot of times that I hold back when I would really just like to let all of my feelings come out on the page. I guess part of me feels that some things aren't socially acceptable to write so I don't.

The other day I was reading a blog written by a divorced dad (via MetroDad: A day in the life...) in NYC. He was so candid about his feelings that I was jealous of his writing. I kept thinking "Why can't I write like that?".

Besides this blog I do keep a personal journal where I try to write my personal feelings and ideas, but even here I think I hold back because I tell myself that one day someone is going to read this. Maybe I need to follow the mantra that says,
"Dance like no one is watching"
In order for my kids to know what I was really like I need to truly write down MY feelings and not worry about who might read them down the road.

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