Monday, October 12, 2009

Me Crossfit?

Okay, for this blog I'm going to have to back up a bit. Back at the first of August Scott, Nicole and I were having street tacos at our favorite taco stand in Layton. While we were sitting there feeding our faces I looked across the street and saw these people working out so hard I thought they were going to start puking! I realized it was a new gym (and I use the word loosely because it wasn't no Gold's that's for sure). The sign said Wasatch Crossfit.(visit them at atch Crossfit Bootcamp and Personal Training Company) However, the more I watched the more I thought "I can do that!". I didn't realize I said it outloud but then Scott and I started talking about it. Scott is always so encouraging to let me try anything....silly him!

So, after we finished eating we went across the street and asked about their "bootcamp". When I found out it was 3 months for $300 I told Scott how good of a deal that was since I had looked into others that were $300 for 6 weeks. I signed on the bottom line and the rest is to speak.
I have now been doing crossfit boot camp for 2 1/2 months and I love it. I love my instructor he is really good and professional and his mom is even in my class.

I have learned that I can deadlift 55#'s and thrust 45#'s over my head ten times for 3 rounds.
Scott says he can see a difference but the scale hasn't budged much. Best thing is I do feel better. I never thought that age would catch up with me but it has and I've realized that I can still keep active which will hopefully help be live longer to enjoy the kids and grandkids.

Thoughts and Feelings

I love reading other people's blogs. I am always impressed at how easily they seem to just write about themselves. It seems with me there are a lot of times that I hold back when I would really just like to let all of my feelings come out on the page. I guess part of me feels that some things aren't socially acceptable to write so I don't.

The other day I was reading a blog written by a divorced dad (via MetroDad: A day in the life...) in NYC. He was so candid about his feelings that I was jealous of his writing. I kept thinking "Why can't I write like that?".

Besides this blog I do keep a personal journal where I try to write my personal feelings and ideas, but even here I think I hold back because I tell myself that one day someone is going to read this. Maybe I need to follow the mantra that says,
"Dance like no one is watching"
In order for my kids to know what I was really like I need to truly write down MY feelings and not worry about who might read them down the road.