Monday, October 22, 2007

Praising Children

I hadn't thought much about what I said around others until I had kids. When my daughter started saying "shit" at the babysitters house, my husband told me it was time I cleaned up my act. Can I help it that while growing up in my house "shit" wasn't a swear word it was just an exclamation? I guess that explanation didn't fly for my husband.

This doesn't just hold true for bad words but for good also. When Nicole was two years old, Scott was out of a job and so he was home with Nicole. Because he was home he got assigned the wonderful task of toilet training. Though Scott had done numerous things in his life, this was a new one for him. Part of toilet training is a lot of discipline and praise, so whenever Nicole would go potty we would praise her and tell her what a good job she did. It became evident that the praise was sinking in when one day I was in going to the bathroom and Nicole came in and said, "You going potty mommy?", when I said "yes" she said "Good job mommy, good job!" Mission Accomplished!

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