Monday, March 26, 2007

Deep Thinking

My husband, Scott, and I recently have had to do some estate planning due to some extenuating circumstances beyond our control. Now I remember why I had put off this lovely task. When the lawyer asked us if we had any burial preferences we looked at each other and said with a smile that the only preference was to not be buried by our ex's.
Thinking of splitting up your assets after you are gone has been a hard thing to go through. Maybe because this is a second marriage for both of us has made us examine our decisions that more closely. Scott and I did come to the conclusion that the main objective is to make sure that none of the kids feel like they got the short end of the stick.
The main objective in setting up the trust at this time is to make sure that our youngest child Nicole will be taken care of until she is done with college (if she chooses that route).
After all is said and done, my prayer is that Scott and I will live long enough to see all of the kids raised, married and having kids of their own. Then we can SPEND all of their inheritance!!!

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