Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Virtual Hug for My Daughter

 Today is the tenth anniversary of my husband Scott's death. I spent part of the day Snapchatting with our daughter who is stationed in Kuwait at this time. She is now 20 and has lived half her life without her dad. 💔 No child should have to lose a parent so young. And though I know we packed a ton of memories into those 10 short years it doesn't diminish the pain she feels on this day every year. 

Scott & Nicole at La Jolla Beach
We try to memorialize Scott by remembering all the great times we had with him. I think we both try to be happy and strong for each other but as we snap pictures of ourselves (with thoughts attached) back and forth to each other, I can see her eyes are red and swollen from crying, as are mine.

 I spent the rest of the day at work (between patients) looking at old blog posts I had written. Then I went and found old blog posts my sister had written  Digizine (she is one of my other angels in heaven). Needless to say it was a day of memories that came rushing at me like a tidal wave. 

 My emotions have been like a pendulum today. Tears have fallen from my eyes due to the sadness of missing both my husband and sister but then I smile because I feel both of their spirits with me today as memories of them fill my heart and mind. 

 I wish my daughter could have been with me today. Hugging her would have been like hugging a piece of her dad since she is so her father's daughter. I love you Nicole!