Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Joy of Family

I LOVE being a grandma!  One time my brother was trying to give me a bad time because I'm a grandma by derogatorily calling me "grandma".  Little did he know that he was paying me the highest compliment!  It is so awesome spoiling the grandkids and not having to discipline them! We always say that what happens and grandma and grandpa's stays at grandma and grandpa's.

  One time when Kayse was younger and spending the night, grandpa went down to get gas in the car and brought home strawberry milkshakes at ten o'clock at night....what a great late night snack.
Nicole has been having to do journal entries in school and one of her entries said "If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?".  When she asked me what my answer would be I said I would love to live in St. John's BUT only if my whole family could be there because it would suck to be there if my family couldn't be.

I couldn't imagine not being around my kids and grandkids.  I would hate not getting to see my kids raise their kids.  Plus I would miss seeing my parents.  And for that reason I think we will stay in the same house we are in now until we die.  So the kids can continue to ask us to watch the kids....we love it!

Halloween 2009

So much has happened since I wrote last.  I guess my life has been spent on the run! I again am going to back track to Halloween.  This year Nicole asked me to make her costume which I have not been able to do for the past couple of years because I was Ward Activity's Chairman which made October really hectic.  So, I was thrilled to be able to make her costume again.  Last year I was a fair maiden and so she decided that is what she wanted to be.  So we went to Joanne's and found a pattern and picked out fabric off the clearance table.  I had to adjust the pattern because the material she wanted there wasn't enough available.  As usual the dress was done just in time for the ward's Trunk or Treat and I must say it turned out pretty well.  She then wore it two more times; once for her class party where she won best costume then her soccer team went to the Real Salt Lake game and Trick or Treating there.  I'm glad she got more than one wear out of it and I will keep it for the grandkids to wear later if they want.