Monday, January 21, 2008

Cassie's Big Day

I don't feel old but I know I'm getting older because I look at my children and they are all growing up.

Cassie got married on Saturday (this makes three out of the five) and as I watched the kids dancing with each other I was kind of sad. It seemed as if the time flew by and I'm not sure I relished every possible moment with them that I could have.

As I was making Cassie's wedding dress I kept thinking back to her growing up and how I had made her blessing dress and her baptism dress and now her wedding dress. The three most important dresses in my daughter's life. And needless to say she looked stunning on her wedding day and not because of the dress, but because she is so happy she was glowing.

She met Dan and it wasn't long after she met him that Scott (my husband) and I knew that this was the one. He made her laugh, and smile and she was so happy. Dan gave me my lovely daughter back again. She had had her share of boyfriends who treated her like crap and Scott kept telling her that if the boys didn't treat her like gold she should kick them to the curb. Now she finally has one who treats her like a princess which is what every girl deserves...I should know, because I have one who does this for me.

I love you Scott!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Doesn't Kill Us

Now that the day is over and I have survived it, it doesn't seem as bad as it did. I know that probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but I had one of those "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day(s)".
It all started when I woke up to see more snow than the weatherman had predicted. Last night they said this storm would be smaller than the last; maybe one to two inches.....yeah! if you live in Salt Lake!!! I first got out there thinking I could push it with the plow on the four-wheeler but after getting stuck numberous times decided that it was too much to push. So, I got out the trusty shovel and started throwing. At first I thought there was about 6-8 inches of snow but when I measured it was actually about 12 wonder I couldn't push it. So I cleared enough snow that went from behind the two cars down to about one car length at the bottom of the driveway, I figured that should be enough...boy, was I wrong! Cassie went out before me and started down the driveway missing the plowed area and driving right into the deep snow on the unplowed pavement. So the neighbor and I pushed and dug her out just in time for her to get stuck on the road. After about 20 minutes we had her out and on her way so that I could go to work.
The drive to work was fine once I got on I-15 and I got there about 10:00am. I parked in the parking lot, grabbed my things, jumped out of the car, hit the lock button and shut the door just in time to realize that I didn't have my car keys in my purse. Great! Scott's in San Diego, Cassie is gone, Braedon is home sick and can't drive anyway so my only option is to call the locksmith.
The first locksmith I called quoted me $40 even though their place of business is only a couple of blocks away. The next one says $35-45 but settles for $35 if they can come in an hour....done! Now I have a receipt showing $35 worth of stupidity which I think I will hang from my rear-view mirror to help remind me to always take the keys out of the ignition before locking the doors!
The day wears on and I finally leave work at 6:50pm...what a day! Now home to fix dinner and make sure homework is done! Phone call from Nicole asking if I can pickup dinner on the way home solves the food problem...Wendy's here I come.
After we eat I go out and finish shoveling the 4 more inches of snow that fell during the day and the third driveway. By the time I finished I was almost in tears because I was so physically tired. This is the second time this week that I have REALLY MISSED Scott!
And now I'm lying here in bed writing this and thinking maybe today wasn't as bad as it seemed when I was experiencing it, and tomorrow will have challenges anew....Bring 'em on!