Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Doggie Treadmill Update

Well, it seems Daxter (the puppy) thinks the treadmill is his. I've tried to fight him for it but whenever I'm on it he stands at the side with his front paws on the treadmill racing along with me. So I've finally given in to the inevitable.....I now share the treadmill with the dog. Daxter runs on the right and I run on the left. The other day he ran for thirty-five minutes at my side. My husband (Scott) thinks it sounds like an accident waiting to happen, but actually Daxter is very kind and stays on his side and I just have to be more consciences about where my feet are.
Now if I can just figure out how to keep him from drooling all over the treadmill!!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Spring Fever

On February 2nd the Ground Hog predicted an early spring. I've always been pretty skeptical about this age old tradition, but maybe this year he really is right. This whole week the temperatures have been in the forties; a wonderful change from the frigid January where we had about twenty straight days of below freezing. The weatherman says that today is supposed to be in the mid fifties....woo-hoo!
Now I have spring fever. It seems way to early to have spring fever. Mainly because this is Utah and I know that we will have at least one more good snow storm before spring is officially here. But for now I will enjoy the nice warm weather and leave the snow shovels handy just in case!